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A. Non-Landed Private Residential Rental Marke
1. Overall rental prices increase 1.2% from October 2019. 
All regions experience rental increases: CCR by 1.2%, RCR by 0.7% and OCR by 1.6%.

non landed private rental price index 2019 november

non landed private rental price index by region 2019 november

  • Year-on-year, rents rise by 4.6%.
  • Rents are down 16.0% from the peak in January 2013.
  • Rentals in all regions increase year-on-year: CCR by 5.8%, RCR by 3.7% and OCR by 4.4%.

2. Volumes decrease 7.6% month-on-month. An estimated 3,980 units are rented in November 2019 as compared to 4,307 units in October 2019.

non landed private rental volume 2019 november

  • Year-on-year, rental volumes are 3.1% lower. 
  • However, volumes are 7.5% higher than the 5-year average volume for the month of November.
  • Breaking down by regions, in November 2019, 41.1% of the volume comes from OCR, 31.2 % comes from RCR and 27.7% comes from CCR.

B. HDB Rental Market
1. November 2019 HDB rents decrease 0.1% from October 2019. 
3 Room, 5 Room and Executive rents rise by 0.4%, 0.1% and 0.7% respectively, while 4 Room rents fall by 0.5%. According to Town Maturity, Mature Estates rents increase by 0.1% while Non-Mature Estates rents decrease by 0.4%.

hdb rental price index 2019 november

hdb rental price index by flat type 2019 november

  • Year-on-year, rents increase by 1.6%.
  • Rents are down 14.5% from the peak in August 2013.
  • All room types experience rent increases year-on-year: 3 Room by 1.7%, 4 Room by 1.4%, 5 Room by 1.1% and Executive by 3.4%.
  • Mature Estates and Non-Mature Estates rents increase year-on-year by 1.8% and 1.3%, respectively.

hdb rental price index in mature and non mature estates 2019 november

hdb rental price index in mature and non mature estates table 2019 november

2. Volumes increase 0.1% month-on-month. An estimated 1,842 HDB flats are rented in November 2019 versus 1,840 units in October 2019.

  •  Year-on-year rental volumes decrease 3.2% from November 2018.
  •  Volumes are also 2.1% lower than the 5-year average volume for the month of November.
  •  Breaking down by room types, in November 2019, 34.1% of total rental volume comes from 4 Room, 33.4% from 3 Room, 26.5% from 5 Room and 6.0% from Executive.

hdb rental volume 2019 november

Source: https://www.srx.com.sg/research/57371/nlp-rents-increase-despite-4-consecutive-months-of-lower-volume–hdb-rents-decrease-slightly-

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