- Month-on-month, overall prices remains flat over November 2019.
- For the whole of 2019, overall prices increase by 1.7%.
- All regions experience price increases in 2019: CCR by 1.5%, RCR by 0.6% and OCR by 2.3%
2. An estimated 650 units were resold Dec 2019. This is a 15.4% decrease, compared to 768 units resold in November.
- Volumes are 21.5% higher than in December 2018, and 15.3% higher than the 5-year average volume for the month of December.
- A total of 9,017 NLP resale transactions are recorded in 2019, which is 27.4% lower than 2018.
- Breaking down by regions, in December 2019, 48.8% of the volume comes from OCR, 26.7% comes from RCR and 24.5% comes from CCR.
3. The highest transacted price for a resale unit in the month was achieved at $17.9 million at Four Seasons Park.
- In RCR, the highest transacted price was a unit at Reflections at Keppel Bay resold for $7.2 million.
- In OCR, the highest transacted price was a unit at Bayshore Park resold for $3.2 million.
4. Overall Transaction Over X-Value (T-O-X) is NEGATIVE $2,000 in December 2019. This represented no change as compared to November 2019. The median T-O-X for Non-Landed Private Residential measures whether people are overpaying (POSITIVE T-O-X) or underpaying (NEGATIVE T-O-X) the SRX X-Value estimated market value.
- District 9 (Orchard / River Valley) posted the highest median T-O-X at POSITIVE $30,000, followed by District 8 (Farrer Park / Serangoon Rd) at POSITIVE $28,000.
- District 17 (Changi Airport / Changi Village) posted the lowest median T-O-X at NEGATIVE $54,000, followed by District 23 (Farrer Park / Serangoon Rd) at NEGATIVE $30,500.
- T-O-X data only include districts with more than 10 resale transactions with X-Value.
Source: https://www.srx.com.sg/research/57831/2019-saw-nlp-resale-prices-1-7–higher–but-volumes-27-4–lower-compared-to-2018—december-2019-resale-prices-flat–volumes-eased-vs-november-2019