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Whether you call them strategies, habits, or just a way of marketing on social media, there are some things that you need to take care of in order to dust off your lonely business social channel. Or develop a successful routine, in case your business is new to the social media world, that is.

Strategy #1: Set Your Scheme and Stick to It

If you do not have a thought out strategy, your posts and tweets will probably just go unnoticed. Besides your objectives, which should already be firmly set, you also need to have a good course of action about how you will actually get to your primary goal.

Choosing what and when to post is a good example of an organized scheme. You should have a set limit on how many posts you think about publishing daily. Decide on your strategy, and stick to it. Of course, you will adjust this on the go, but the most important thing is to keep yourself organized and punctual.

Scheduling posts is, obviously, just one example. Do a search on the internet and you will come across many schemes for successful social media marketing that you should take advantage of.

Strategy #2: Post Regularly and Be Consistent

social media post regulary

In order to keep your customers interested in your product or service, you will have to have a good posting strategy. Providing regular content is a great marketing strategy as it helps your customers stay updated, plus it shows that you are always looking for ways to improve and provide even more value. However, as important as regular content is, it will be pretty useless if you do not have a consistent approach.

The best way to provide regular content and to maintain its consistency is if you know exactly what your audience is looking for. Do your homework well before hitting the “share” button.

Strategy #3: Approach Your Social Media Channels Differently

social media channels

Despite the fact that you are marketing the same product/service, you need to keep in mind that you are actually doing it on different social media platforms. What does that mean? That means that you cannot simply copy and paste your posts. Why? Because different platforms usually mean different audience. Many of Instagram followers will not be LinkedIn users and vice versa.

For instance, LinkedIn is more business-oriented and its content is a bit more serious and educational than, for example, Instagram, which has users who are mostly looking for appealing and vivid visual posts.

Treat your social media channels as different entities and keep the post separated and, most importantly, unique. Even if you are looking to spread the same message, make sure you adjust it for the different types of audience.

Strategy #4: Stay Engaged

engaging on social media

Engagement is all that social media is about. It is a process of keeping in touch, listening, and painting the picture that your audience actually want to see. Social media marketing is not marketing if you are not 100% engaged. And not only with your posts and shares, but with answering, retweeting, and responding to complaints, as well. Your customers need to know that you care about them, and if you are not engaged, well, your other strategies will also be pretty useless.

The best way to make the audience notice your engagement is to keep them involved at all times. Ask for their opinion, make questionnaires, come up with unique competitions, offer rewards, discounts, etc. Keeping your business connected to your customers is the secret behind every successful marketing strategy.

Strategy #5: Act like a Human

social media strategies

Social media is all about human interaction, not pitches and logos. This can be somewhat tricky when you are just starting your social media marketing journey as most companies make their initial approach a hard selling point. Avoid putting off potential and existing customers with customer reviews, product introductions, and purchasing codes. Instead, make your approach as friendly as possible.

But do not implement this only in the beginning. Your business should find a way to always act like a person (to some degree, of course), not to approach customers as an entity.

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